Saturday, July 25, 2009

What are the best running shoes when you have a bunion?

i really need to find a way to cut back on the pain. it recently started huting more and more. like a throbbing pain. are there any ideas on the best type running shoes or does anyone have an idea on how to cut back on the pain?

What are the best running shoes when you have a bunion?
This sneaker is said to be good: New Balance 833

"They have a generously round toe box, no elements to bother a bunion, and come in widths. They are very flexible and lightweight, yet with plenty of cushioning to see you through distances from 10K through the marathon."

For treatments here are some ideas: SILOPAD™ GEL BUNION


Most bunions can be treated at home. In some cases surgery is considered.

Nonsurgical treatment

-Nonsurgical treatment usually is used to decrease pressure on the big toe and relieve pain. Treatment includes:

* Wearing roomy shoes that have wide and deep toe boxes (the area that surrounds the toes), low or flat heels, and good arch supports. Avoid tight, narrow, or high-heeled shoes that put pressure on the big toe joint. For more information, see:

Finding the right footwear for your foot problem.

* Using bunion pads, arch supports, or custom-made supports (orthotics) placed just behind the big toe joint on the bottom of your foot. They can help redistribute your weight while walking and take pressure off your big toe. Ask your health professional to help you choose the right kind of pads.

* Using moleskin or felt patches over or around pressure areas to protect the bunion from being rubbed by your shoes.

* Taking nonprescription medication to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Examples include acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or aspirin. If you have other health conditions, such as diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), talk to your health professional about which pain reliever is best for you.

* Using ice to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Apply ice to the joint for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, once or twice an hour as needed. Elevate your foot so that your toe is higher than your heart.

If your bunions are severe, your health professional may prescribe medication to reduce pain and inflammation, such as a corticosteroid injection.

Surgical treatment

-If nonsurgical treatment has failed to relieve toe pain and you aren't able to do normal daily activities, or if you have a severe bone deformity, you may want to consider surgical treatment. Bunion surgery is done to help restore normal alignment to the toe joint and relieve pain. For information on making the decision about surgery, see:

Should I have surgery for bunions?

-There are different types of bunion surgery—the best type of surgery for you depends on how severe your bunion is and your surgeon's experience. Look for a surgeon who does many different types of bunion surgery on a regular basis. Each bunion is different, and surgery needs to be tailored to each case.

Prevent another bunion. Good luck!
Reply:If you are short of money, try cutting the shoe you have now. They are useless to you anyway. If you cut them too much, you might not be able to run in them, so be careful. I did this once when I stubbed my toe, and that of course healed eventually. This can look terrible from an aesthetic point of view.

If you are the right size (the ones teenagers grow through without wearing the shoes out), you can try different ones at the thrift store. If your shoe size is really big, that is not practical. If the pain shows up later, you are not out that much money.

Lotion and massage your bunion - and your feet in general. Vaseline and then lotion or a very thick cream. This may help in the long run. Don't wear everyday shoes that aggravate the bunion.
Reply:nike 360 air max, the new ones.. they are the best running shoe i have found EVER. no matter bunion, missing toes, corns or even flat footed. these shoes are truely like running on only air


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