Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is a good pair of starter running shoes?

This would have to be a beginner pair of running shoes, for someone who has never run before, but wants to get shoes that will make it as painless as possible. They would have to support a "big guy" around 6'1" and 240lbs.

What is a good pair of starter running shoes?
Hi there!

You probably want cross trainers that give you more ankle supporft since you stated that you a big guy. I would tell the shoe person what you are looking for and don't cheap out, since your body could pay the price.

On a side note, I would stick to low impact exercise so you don't harm your body. Once you slim down a little you can add some higher impact stuff like running.

I believe this answers your question, but if not, you may email me.

Good luck on your diet and fitness goals!

Trainer Gregg

"You can achieve anything you set your mind on."
Reply:New Balance. Even though I'm a girl, those work good for me. I know some grown men who use them for walking around alot, and they said they are going to wear them for life because they are so good. I run in mine, so I recommend them.
Reply:Try ones that feel really good on your feet. Try them on and walk around the store a bit, make sure they have cush! Thats padding because you are a big guy you may need added cush. I run and love it, but if you have never run before you may want to try power walking and work your way up to a slwo jog so you can muscle up a bit first. Good Luck to you either way and enjoy! Running and walking are great exercise and they don't cost anything but the shoes! Just think what you are saving on Gym fees! You can buy the best shoes and still make out!!! LOLL
Reply:Hello! I don't know if you have anything like a Runner's Roost where you live or something along those lines. At some stores they give you a foot analysis and tell you what kind of shoe you need and then they fit you into at least six types of shoes and you choose which ones fit the best for you. What the analysis includes is they have you walk and run on a treadmill for about ten seconds and they capture a picture of you walking and running. They can see where your foot placement is. They look for things such as rolling your arch, high instep, walking on your heels, weak ankles etc. from there they can tell what type of shoe you need. Some styles work for some and not for others so you really have to do your research but since you are starting out, you really want to find a pair of shoes you love to keep you motivated while you are running... it is hard to run until you hit your peak but YOU CAN DO IT! I know you can...

so, I would look around where you live and see if any athletic shoe stores or other stores do such a thing as that... I live in Colorado and they have them all over. Good luck on your per suit!

office chair

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